1. In Seattle, students pick their high school and apply
2. You cannot strip search someone at school no matter the situation
3. You do not have to pledge allegiance to the flag if you don't want to
4. University's can only include race as a part of their admission process if it is accessed under "strict Scrutiny"
5. A school does not need a warrant to search your belongings if it is on school grounds
6. It is allowed for schools to drug test for sports and other extra-curricular activities
7. Public Schools must be governmentally funded
8. 4th and 14th amendments seem to be violated the most, or is it because these are the easiest to argue against in court because there are such fine lines?
9. Schools cannot teach based on religion anymore in public school, but must teach based on scientific fact.
10. Affirmative Action is legal
Some of these rules I agree with, however, I believe we should always solute the flag and show respect to the place we live in. There's always going to be bad things in a nation, but there's also a lot of good.