Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Socratic Reflection

I thought that the socratic seminar  today went pretty good. I believe that there is still a lot of room to improve but this being our first socratic I thought it went pretty smooth. There where just a lot of awkward pauses throughout the discussion when people didn't know what to say or when we would answer a question and not know how to contribute or move on to the next question. I also noticed that in both groups people kept restating the same answer when it came to if ethics and morals where conditional or not. I also felt that the people that did speak during the discussion had some strong insightful points that kept the conversation going, but a lot of people did not contribute to the conversation. Overall I thought this was a decent socratic because there was a lot of insightful thoughts and everybody felt comfortable and showed each other good body language and eye contact.

1 comment:

  1. I agree and hope things will get more interactive as we get more comfortable with each other.
