Wednesday, September 2, 2015

So recently we have watched the movie Bigger Faster Stronger which showed us multiple points of views concerning the use of steroids. According to many studies steroids can affect the brain . The uses will affect all their life.Their life will be different and they may not function normally which could affect their families and their surroundings such as children. Steroids are associated with strokes and heart clotting. Shouldn't those side effects keep people from using them. But then the mentality comes in. Many find it normal and some don't. In the movie Chris Bell and his brothers all had hero's has children and they where all professional boxers and body builders. These super stars made it look like that if you work hard enough you can get the gigantic muscles and  lift 500 pounds.
But when they figure out their models where using steroids it seemed that the drug is the only way to the muscle dream. But this raises a question. Which should be more influential? The bad long term effects or the society that can influence you ethics and your morals? Has medial and marketing gone too far to sell a product. One example is the model on the bottles of muscle powder and pills. Many consumers pay a lot believing that one day they will reach that perfect body with those powders, pills and drinks. Those product can go over 60 dollars.  But behind the scenes, the model took steroids in addition to the product. The public is being lied to. What if everyone knew about it? I certainly did was not aware even though the model seemed fake. What's your take?

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