Friday, March 18, 2016

Genocide In America!

We are talking about Genocides in other countries, but can we take note that in our own country we have seen factors of Genocide acts?

We saw the the Ku Klux Klan took place 1865. They were a group of white supremacy who belived that those who weren't white where to die. They believed in the saying, "One Hundred Percent Americanism" Americanism=Germenisng. Sounds similar right. The kkk killed about 4,000 african americans. Why is it that I haven't heard anything about the KKK being a genocide in America? They did target, killed, and tortured african americans. Does that not fall under the the UN definition of Genocide. On the UN definition it states the following...

General Assembly Resolution 260A (III) Article 2

In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group

So if the highlighted parts from above can connect to the KKK, then why  have I not heard that the KKK was  an of genocide. Even though acts were not taken at that point, why can't it be acknowledged that it occurred in America? Is america too ashamed to admit that they had this in their own country instead of focusing in other countries genocides.   The KKK were just like the Nazis, they started off as a small group and they grew supporters due to desperate needs to find a solution to their issues. The organization grew, and took full control. So what of happened if the kkk wasn't stopped? would it been the same as Germany creating massive killing.

Correct me if I'm wrong but but that is what I believe.



  1. I agree with you Ana. I think that the KKK did commit a genocide against the Blacks. The Nuremberg Laws got its inspirations from the US where segregation and racial laws were in place. There was even the grandfather clause which didn't allow any blacks to vote or take a literacy test to vote if their grandfather or father couldn't vote. Doesn't that sound eerie familiar to how the Nazi define a Jew?

    A lot of the Nazi racial laws really reflect back to American policies. And the fact that there were so many blacks that were enslaved, hanged/lynched, dehumanized,and discriminated against is a clear indicator that it falls underneath a lot of the signs and definition of genocide.

    I think Americans are afraid to admit that they had genocide for sure. I think as far as we'll go to label is just slavery and inequality.

  2. Exactly! I coulnt have said it any better :) I mean they have the same characteristics, so why not consider or think of it as one. I know that America is not proud at all about the history but its good to accept the flaws and move forward with a better knowledge and never make the same mistake.

  3. Even before the KKk though, what about the genocide of the Native Americans?
    There were an estimated 10 million+ Native Americans living in the US when Europeans settlers came in the 16th century. By the 1900s, there were less than 300,000. History books can blame it on rapid spreading diseases, but we brought those diseases, and we even intentionally gave it to them. We wonder where the Nazis got their ideas, like death marches, but does the Trail of Tears ring a bell? The Native Americans were marched across the country, leaving people who couldn't continue to walk to die.
    I agree that there has been genocide in the US, but always interesting how it isn't officially classified as a genocide...

  4. I agree. The KKK has done atrocities against the black community. Unfortunately,if you look at history, most of America was for the whole idea that whites were superior. I feel like that is the reason why the government in the past has not characterized it as a genocide is because what the KKK believed fit their values, so the president and other White House officials just closed their eyes, letting them carry on with their actions.

  5. Both Ana and Haley make a good point, I believe both the murders of the KKK and the murder of the Native Americans could be classified as genocides. I find it very interesting that we learn so much about American history, yet we are reluctant to admit the faults of our own history, and analyze the numerous amount of genocides, extrajudicial killings, and cover ups that are placated by Americans or the American government...
