Monday, August 31, 2015

Phat Chicks

Watching the documentary in class kind of made me think about what I eat. Before watching, I knew that my eating habits were bad and I knew my health wasn't the best, but personally seeing how it can make my heart look grossed me out and I kid you not, I called my grandma and made her renew my gym membership. 
I've always wanted to do something about my weight, being known as the "fat chick" and having to shop "plus size" gets annoying after awhile. And no, I'm not going to sit here and cry because someone calls me out on how much weight I've gained over the years and no, I am certainly not losing weight for anyone but myself. 
The documentary really made me look deep into my eating habits and it made me put my foot down and I'm going to stop eating bad for me food (such as Taco Bell @Nano). 

1 comment:

  1. I love this post MJ. I think you are awesome just the way you are, but I understand how the world around us pressures us to fit a stereotype. That said, your health needs to be the biggest priority. And if you will feel better then I applaud your efforts!
