Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The obesity of society

 I understand that obesity is a big issue in the United States but people have the right to eat anything they want at anytime they want because at the end of the day its their body and we should all respect that. If eating too much effects their health then they should watch out more on what they are eating and get professional help. Society pressures people too much about the way they should look, I think that if a person is happy and in good health conditions weight shouldn't matter. After seeing ¨Weight of the Nation" besides being hungry half the time i was watching it, it did make me realize that people who know can have an health issue because of their weight is also responsible but should not make it worse by eating KFC all week just for some ¨projects or studies¨... instead eat Subway.

1 comment:

  1. Since obesity disproportionately affects poor people, what if they can't afford to get "help" with their eating issues?
