Let's all take a minute and try to remember all the way back to preschool and kindergarten. This is when we learn what is right and wrong, how to be kind to each other, and that cheating is not acceptable. Actually, now that I think about it, they drill the "no cheating policy" into our heads basically every year of our academic career. So why is it still happening? As stated in the presentation today, I think competition is a huge factor.
On my softball team, I have a teammate and her dad is keeper of the record book and enters the stats online. Over the past couple of years, I have seen patterns that don't match with what actually happens in the games. For example, if she made an error in the game, I would see the error given to the other person involved in the play (in the record books). Who actually sees the record books? Well, college recruiters and coaches do, so it is obvious what the motive is. However, I think it is totally immoral and wrong. It's interesting because an adult is cheating in this case, and he should know better.
In my math class, a girl sitting behind me had all of her notes open on the floor, under her desk during a test. Now, this test was tricky so I understand why she felt like she needed assistance. However, I believe it is unfair for those that don't get that extra assistance. As we were handed back our tests, I glanced and saw that her grade was higher than mine. It was totally unfair.
Humans are competitive by nature, so I am sure cheating will be around as long as there is competition.
I couldnt agree more Megan. I think what that dad is doing is totally unfair to all the players because if i remember correctly, those stats go into Max Preps. So he is really cheating a lot of people, especially his daughter, by falsifying the stats.