Friday, May 20, 2016

Hidden Treasure From the Holocaust

I found this article that talked about how workers at the Auschwitz Museum discovered a necklace and gold ring wrapped in canvas and hidden under a false base of a mug. As we learned earlier this year, the Nazis benefited greatly from robbing those that were sent to concentration or death camps. Prisoners knew the Nazis wanted their valuables, so they went to great lengths to hide them. "The hiding of valuable items... proves on the one hand to the awareness of the victims as to the robbery nature of the deportation, but on the other hand it shows that the Jewish families constantly had a ray of hope that these items will be required for their existence." Nazis usually told those being deported that the prisoners were simply being resettled and that they would be starting life in a new place. So within the small amount of items they were able to bring, they tried hiding their valuables. I thought it was super cool how these items were found exactly how the original owner left them. They found so much history in just a mug.

1 comment:

  1. I think one of the greatest things about humans is that people always hold on to at least a little bit of hope. I think a lot of the reason why humans have been able to survive and flourish is because of the will to believe.
