Friday, May 20, 2016

Forced Diversity

All the time we hear about how diverse Los Altos High School is with it's diversity assembly, camp diversity, ASB, and more. However, I feel like a lot of the "diversity" that is occurring at our school is not true diversity. When I applied to ASB as a junior they chose a girl in my grade that was Indian instead of me. This didn't bother me at the time because I just told myself well maybe she was more qualified? But later when I became friends with the girl she told me that some people in ASB said they selected her because "they needed an Indian, since an Indian in ASB just graduated." This kind of pissed me off because I knew I could bring a lot to the table at ASB with different ideas. I wanted to be in it because ASB has been run by a group of girls that have been in the same friend group since freshmen year, therefore ASB is run one specific group that all with the same ideas and all appeal to their one group of friends at the school. Okay, so this one friend group has an Asian in it, a Mexican, and an India, so that's diverse and that makes them qualified? I think what's more diverse is chosing different students from completely different groups at Los Altos to get the most ideas generated. Time and time again I have seen things put on my ASB that the organization or the idea is just not logical whatsoever and it makes me upset that so many "white girls" I know that would have benefitted ASB got denied because they weren't "diverse."


  1. That is totally not fair. ASB should be based on qualification and work ethic rather than ethnicity and "diversity".

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yikes that's annoying. I totally agree with you. This sort of connects with your other post about California college admissions. Although you may be more qualified, they choose someone else to make it more diverse. I understand the importance of diversity, but for certain positions (like asb), that should not be the deciding factor.
